AWS Basic Vocabulary

Song Cho
5 min readFeb 15, 2020


Part 2.

# AWS Developer Tools

**AWS Cloud9**: is an integrated development environment running in the AWS cloud.

It allows you to deploy servers directly to AWS from an integrated development environment.

**AWS Code Star**: makes it easy to develop and deploy applications to AWS. It can manage the entire CI CD pipeline for you. It has a project management dashboard including and integrated issue tracking capability powered by Atlassian JIRA software.

**AWS X-ray**: makes it easy to analyze and debug applications. This provides you with a better insight to the performance of your application and the underlying services that it relies upon.

**AWS Code Commit**: is a git repository just like Github and it’s running in the AWS cloud.

**AWS Code Pipeline**: is a continuous integration and continuous delivery service or CI/CD for short. It can build test and then deploy your code every time a code change occurs.

**AWS Code Build**: compiles your source code runs tests and then produces software packages that are ready to deploy on AWS.

**AWS Code Deploy**: is a service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services including Amazon ec2 AWS lambda and even instances that are running on-premises.

# Management

**CloudFormation**: allows you to use a text file to define your infrastructure and, to use his text file to deploy resources on the AWS cloud. This allows for the defining of your infrastructure as code and you can manage your infrastructure with the same version control tools that you use to manage your code.

**The AWS Service Catalog**: allows enterprises to catalogue resources that can be deployed on the AWS cloud. This allows an enterprise to achieve common governance and compliance for its IT resources by clearly defining what is allowed to be deployed on the AWS cloud.

**AWS CloudWatch**: is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and applications that are deployed on the AWS cloud. It can be used for triggering scaling operations or it can also be used for providing insight into your deployed resources.

**AWS Systems Manager** provides a unified user interface that allows you to view operational data from multiple AWS services and to automate tasks across your AWS resources. That helps to shorten the time to detect and resolve operational problems.

**AWS CloudTrail**: monitors and logs AWS account activity including actions taken through the AWS management console, the AWS software development kits, the command-line tools and other AWS services. So this greatly simplifies security analysis of the activity of users of your account.

**AWS Config** enables you to assess, audit and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources. This simplifies compliance auditing, security analysis, change management and control and also, operational troubleshooting.

**AWS Opsworks** provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet. Chef and Puppet can be used to configure and automate the deployment of AWS resources.

**AWS Trusted Advisor** is an online expert system that can analyze your AWS account and the resources inside it and then advise you on how to achieve high security and best performance from those resources.

# Analytics Services on AWS

**EMR** or Elastic MapReduce: is AWS’s Hadoop framework as a service you can also run other frameworks in Amazon EMR that integrate with Hadoop such as Apache spark HBase Presto and Flink. Data can be analyzed by EMR in a number of AWS data stores including Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

**Amazon Athena**: allows you to analyze data stored in an Amazon s3 bucket using standard SQL statement.

**Amazon Elastic Search**: is a fully managed service for’s elasticsearch

framework. This allows high-speed querying and analysis of data that is stored on AWS.

**Amazon Kinesis**: allows you to collect process and analyze real-time streaming data.

**Amazon Quicksight**: is a business intelligence reporting tool similar to tableau or if you’re a Java programmer similar to BIRT and is fully managed by AWS.

# Security

**AWS Artifact**: is an online portal that provides access to AWS security and compliance documentation and that documentation can be readily available when needed for auditing and compliance purposes.

**AWS Certificate Manager**: issues ssl certificates for HTTPS communication with your website. It integrates with AWS services such as route 53 and cloudfront and the certificates that are provisioned through AWS certificate manager are completely free.

**Amazon Cloud Directory**: is a cloud-based directory service that can have hierarchies of data in multiple dimensions unlike conventional LDAP based directory services that can only have a single hierarchy.

**AWS Directory Service** is a fully managed Microsoft Active Directory service in the AWS cloud.

**AWS Cloud HSM** is a dedicated hardware security module in the AWS cloud. This allows you to achieve corporate and regulatory compliance while at the same time greatly reducing your costs over using your own HSM in your own infrastructure.

**Amazon Cognito**: provides sign in and sign up capability for your web and mobile applications you can also integrate that signup process with external ouath providers such as Google and Facebook and also SAML 2 providers as well.

**IAM** or AWS identity and access management: allows you to manage user access to your AWS services and resources in your account. Users and groups of users have individual permissions that allow or deny access to your resources.

**AWS Organizations**: provides policy based management for multiple AWS accounts. This is great for large organizations that have multiple accounts and they want to manage those and the users that use those accounts centrally.

**Amazon Inspector**: is an automated security assessment service. It can help to identify vulnerabilities or areas of improvement within your AWS account.

**KMS** or AWS key management service: makes it easy to create and control encryption keys for your encrypted data and it also uses hardware security modules to secure your keys. It’s integrated well with AWS services such as Amazon s3, redshift and EBS.

**AWS Shield**: provides protection against distributed denial of service or DDoS for short protection against DDoS attacks. The standard version of a double shield is implemented automatically on all AWS accounts.

**WAF** or Web Application Firewall: is that sits in front of your website to provide additional protection against common attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. It has different sets of rules that can be used for different applications.

**AWS SSO** or AWS Single Sign On: is a cloud-based single sign-on (SSO) service that makes it easy to centrally manage SSO access to all of your AWS accounts and cloud applications.

